

Make a Difference!

The continued work of WCI depends upon the support of generous contributions and those committed to improving the situation of women around the world. Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution today.

Your donation will continue WCI’s critical work. Women who attend WCI trainings learn the skills necessary to influence the most important issues affecting their lives and communities. Countries which promote the rights of women and girls and increase their access to resources and education enjoy faster economic growth, less corruption, and lower poverty rates.

It is not just women who benefit from WCI’s work. Research shows that effectively implemented gender-focused interventions at the community level have substantial social benefits to families and communities. WCI believes that men are integral partners in community development and creates programs which ensure that men and women work together towards common goals.

Your generous donation will help WCI continue its important work worldwide. Below are some examples of how your donation can make a difference.

$20 Pays for one girl to attend a WCI leadership, advocacy, or financial literacy training
$50 Pays for one mentoring relationship that pairs an emerging young leader with an established activist or official
$100 Pays for a networking event for women leaders to meet and share ideas about how to change their communities
$500 Pays for one artisan craft development training allowing, giving one collective the tools they to enter new markets
$1,000 Pays for one national collective of men and women activists and leaders to implement an innovative, local advocacy campaign promoting women’s rights
$2,500 Pays for one value-added tool to a rural agricultural collective, helping thousands of people earn more from their farming efforts